
Datazone provides secure authentication methods for accessing its APIs and services.

API Key Authentication

Obtaining an API Key

  1. Log into your Datazone account
  2. Navigate to Settings > API Keys
  3. Click “Generate New Key”
  4. Save the key securely - it won’t be shown again

Using API Keys

Include the API key in your requests:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"

API Key Best Practices

  • Keep keys secure and never expose them in client-side code
  • Rotate keys regularly
  • Use different keys for different environments
  • Limit key permissions to only what’s needed

Role-Based Access Control

Available Roles

  • admin: Full access to all resources
  • read_only: Read-only access to resources

Error Handling

Common Authentication Errors

Status CodeDescriptionSolution
401Invalid API keyVerify key is correct and active
403Insufficient permissionsCheck required roles
429Rate limit exceededImplement backoff strategy