Get Started
Create your data pipelines and serve with ease using Datazone in minutes. Datazone is a data platform that allows you to build, manage, and monitor your data pipelines with a few clicks.
Create your data pipelines with ease using Datazone in minutes. Datazone is a data platform that allows you to build, manage, and monitor your data pipelines with a few clicks.
- Create your Sources and integrate them with your data lakehouse.
- Define your source entities with Extracts.
- You can define Pipelines to clean, filter, and manipulate your data.
- Orchestrate your pipelines with the schedule feature.
- Analyze your data with the Notebook.
Getting Started
The first step to world-class documentation is setting up your editing environments.
Create your Datazone Account
You need an account to create and manage your data pipelines…
Install Datazone CLI Package
Install the Datazone Python CLI to interact with the Datazone API.
From Zero to Production
Create your first project in Datazone to keep your datasets, extracts, pipelines, schedules, and executions